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Fingerprints of God in the Universe


Science tells us that the Big Bang was a singular event.  The Universe had a beginning which means that it didn't always exist.  Metaphysics and Natural Theology tells us the same thing.  Metaphysics also tells us that something can't come from nothing but that something already in existence was necessary to bring the Universe into existence.  Since an infinite series, itself, can't explain this, the Universe must have been created by something that is pure act, God.  Now, for a being to be pure act, it must have both physical and metaphysical simplicity.  And herein are found the direct fingerprints of God in the creation of the Universe.


From our section on Cosmology, we learned that the Universe, at a split moment after its conception, was extraordinarily simple from a physical standpoint.  It was inconceivably small, unimaginably hot, and all matter was either indiscernible or non-existent and bound by a singular superforce.  Isn't this exactly the type of beginning that one would expect from the Creator who, itself, is simple?  This is much like a detective who figures out the cause by looking at the effect. 


With the great complexity of nature that we see around us, no one would have ever thought 100 years ago that the Universe would have had such a simple origin.  But it does!  From God who is simple, ushered forth a universe that was extraordinarily simple at its origin but which became increasingly complex as it moved away from the moment of its conception. 


The universe at its origin, of course, was not metaphysically simple because it was loaded with potency nor was it physically simple since it was a combination of matter [or it precursor] and force.  14 billion years later, we see a Universe that is highly complex, but which has a certain scientific harmony and beauty which directly derives from the simplicity of its origin.

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At this point, we have shown using philosophy that God exists and must be simple.  We used science to show that the Universe, despite its massive complexity, was incredibly simple at its origin.  We then observed that a simple cause (God) is a perfect match for a simple effect (The Universe). 


Earlier, we only gave one of the philosophical demonstrations for the existence of God:  the demonstration from motion.  Thomas Aquinas actually gave five demonstrations.  They're the following:


1.   The Demonstration from Motion

2.  The Demonstration from Efficient Causation

3.  The Demonstration from Contingency

4.  The Demonstration from the Gradation of Being

5.  The Demonstration from Design

Now that we’ve shown that it's highly likely that God created the Universe, Let's now evaluate the issue from the opposite viewpoint -- to show that arguments against the existence of God can not be true.


The following is one of the best presentations that we've seen on the internet.  It's by Robert Spitzer, Ph.D. of the Magis Center.  Whereas we've matched the effect with its cause, Spitzer uses science to show definitively that the universe couldn't have been created by either a multiverse, or pure chance, or have come from nothing. 


You'll appreciate this presentation because Spitzer makes a compelling argument using science and does not use logical fallacies or emotion to convince his audience.  The presentation starts slowly but gets progressively better as you advance through it.


By clicking on the following button, you'll navigate to Sptizer's website.  After viewing the presentation, please return to the Raging Truth.  We still have more things to say about the Great Issues of Life . . .

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Some Objections to the Existence of God

If any of the following topics interest you, please click on the appropriate button to view our response.

Could the universe have been created by mere chance?

Could a multiverse be the ultimate cause of our universe?

Intelligent life suggests the existence of God.  However, some say that God isn't necessary for intelligent life because intelligence can occur through natural selection alone.  See the fallacy of this argument.

Some say that logic and the Principle of Identity aren't true and that quantum mechanics shows that the world, at its core, is full of chance and lacks logic and order.  Is this actually true?


We'll next investigate whether God has intelligence, and we'll then ask the next big question:  Has God revealed himself to Man.

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