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Two people discussing the Great Issues of Life

Does God Exist?

Okay, let’s begin.


No one knows the whole truth and we, likewise, don’t claim to know the whole truth either.  However, we’ll provide some key anchor points in truth from which you’ll be able to further grasp the truth going forward. 


These anchor points are important.  If we get the basis of truth wrong, most of our  understanding of the world will be faulty and erroneous.  However, if we get the foundation right, we’ll have a platform from which to discern and learn further truths.


So, where do we start?


There are many great issues of life (i.e. life, death, suffering, God, good and evil, the meaning of life, etc.).  However, the greatest of the Great Issues of Life is God:  Does God exist?  This is a fundamental question because the answer impacts all the other Great Issues.


We’ll first look at this issue through the lens of philosophy.  We'll then look at this issue using science.  Both sources of knowledge seek answers about the world around us.  These two disciplines together have a synergistic effect because they both describe the same world, but they use two different methodologies and languages.  Here’s why we have synergy. . .


Philosophy is the study of reality using reason based on our experience of reality.  Science, which herein will refer to physics and cosmology, studies the natural world using the method of observation, measurement, and hypothesis. 


Whereas science is restricted to studying physical things that are measurable such as the physical universe, philosophy is equipped to comment on both these and things which can not necessarily be measured.


Each discipline has its own limits.  Both disciplines are vital to our search because they provide knowledge from different methods, approaches, and languages.   This is intellectually powerful if they agree.  However, if one discipline contradicts the other on the same point, then one or both disciplines need improvement to resolve the contradiction.


But why bother with philosophy?  Doesn't science explain everything?  In short, the answer is no.  Science is a tool in the service of truth that is tied to the scientific method and the study of things that can be measured and observed.  Its use is limited by definition. 


What happens if something can't be measured?  For someone to assume that science explains everything is to arbitrarily truncate and limit our knowledge.  Such thinking is not in the service of truth because it is inherently limited.

Photo by Casey Horner from

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The Raging  People flourish where the truth rages.

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